Shaun AndroffShaun Androff

Executive Vice President

My job at Hiregy is … connecting with local professional hiring managers to learn more about their business and discover if our unique staffing services can help them be more productive. This means on an average day you’ll find me talking and meeting with people from all kinds of companies in the Tampa Bay area.

My favorite work snack is … coffee.

When I get off work you’ll find me … at home with my wife,11-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter.

It makes me feel great when … we improve the quality of someone’s life through the work we do.

My office nickname is … Shauny.

My mantra is … treat people the way you want to be treated.

In my office you’ll find … a bamboo plant, a stuffed animal, a wheel-of-fortune hat from when my wife tried out for the show, a sound effects machine, and four paintings I bought at local art fairs.

Team Cat or Team Dog? Team Dog. I love that they can move their eyebrows like people.

The worst question I was ever asked during an interview was … what job were you interviewing for again?

If you ever speak or meet with me, make sure you ask me about … how I can help you or someone exceptional in your personal network.


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