Diana BrazzealDiana Brazzeal

Client Success Specialist

Something people would be surprised to learn about me is … I was on a cruise ship that caught on fire in the Gulf of Mexico.

The best advice I ever received … was actually two pieces of advice – to focus on the relationship, and to keep moving forward.

My hidden talent is … cooking new things. I try something, like it, and figure out how to make it.

In the next five years I’d like to … take a trip with each of my children and go to Hawaii with my husband.

The most adventurous things I’ve ever done are … bungee jumping and zip lining.

My nickname is … my college roommate called me Dodi.

Call Centers Trends to Watch in Q3 and Q4 of 2024

Imagine a bustling call center in the heart of your city. The phones are ringing, agents are chatting with customers, and there’s a palpable energy in the air. But this isn’t just any call center—it’s a glimpse into the future. With rapid technological advancements...

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5 Tips for Recent Graduates: How to Land Your First Job

Graduating from college is an exhilarating milestone, but stepping into the job market can feel like jumping into the deep end without a life jacket. Whether you're aiming to land a temporary position or seeking a long-term career opportunity, it's crucial to approach...

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