Michelle LoudenMichelle Louden

Senior Director of Client Services

My favorite part of my job at Hiregy is … finding exceptional candidates to work for our amazing clients. It’s the most rewarding feeling to know that you have helped someone find employment and provided them with an opportunity that they may not have had otherwise.

During a typical workday you’ll find me … scheduling and/or conducting interviews, checking references, looking confused, asking a lot of questions, and drinking my Monster and RockStar.

The best advice I ever received is … life is too short; do what makes you happy and don’t be afraid of change.

If I were stranded on a desert island, the music I would want to have with me would be

  1. American Girl, Tom Petty
  2. Last Goodbye – Jeff Buckley (So Real: Songs by Jeff Buckley)
  3. Frank Sinatra – Greatest Hits
  4. Elvis – any 
  5. Sublime – (any)
  6. And so many more …

My hidden talents include … designing custom “bling” t’shirts.

In the next five years, I would like to … ride in a biplane (like the Red Baron), vacation in Italy, and learn a new language (for my trip to Italy).

Three thing people would be surprised to learn about me are … I’m very sentimental (although some may call it hoarding), I have very diverse taste in music, and I have difficulty answering questions about myself!


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