Gustavo A. Collazos

Director of Marketing

What sparks your creativity at work? … My creativity is sparked by the mix of new challenges and diverse perspectives. Every project is a puzzle, and finding that unique, creative solution keeps me going.

If you could have any superpower to enhance your work, what would it be and why?The power to instantly master any language. It’s all about connecting with people, understanding their needs and cultural nuances to make our marketing messages hit home worldwide.

If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? …Burgers, hands down. Classic yet adaptable, with a creative twist that keeps things interesting.

What’s an item on your bucket list?Go to Tomorrowland.


Gustavo Collazos Director of Marketing Personality Soccer

Call Centers Trends to Watch in Q3 and Q4 of 2024

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