Most business owners know that developing an effective internal interview process can help them find great job candidates; they may be less aware that strong recruiting practices can save time and money. Defined processes for vetting candidates help companies minimize...
At some point in your career, there may be a position you want that an employer believes you’re overqualified for. While some might say that’s a compliment because it shows that you have solid work experience, it may feel like nails on a chalkboard because you really...
Most people know how to prepare for a job interview – they ready themselves to talk about their strengths, weaknesses, former job responsibilities and hopes for the future. But candidates should also be prepared to answer behavioral interview questions. Behavioral...
Our most recent blogs were devoted to an interview that took place on HBO’s Game of Thrones. This “interview” did not follow the standard interview process protocol, as the candidate got the job and started the job during the interview. This is...
Though essential to a well-running office, the receptionist position’s importance often gets overlooked. However, a quality, well-trained receptionist is key: he or she shapes a business’s image, creates efficiency, and serves as the public face of the staff. Hiring...