5 Ways Job Seekers Can Set Themselves Apart
Job hunting can be like a competitive sport. Sometimes, it’s not just your talent that matters but your extra effort. While every serious candidate comes prepared with a resume, you may need to put in more work to market yourself effectively and stand apart from your competition. Consider these strategies as a place to start:
Score with a Video:
n today’s technologically advanced world, it makes sense to showcase your electronic expertise. Create a video that features your skills and explains why you’re interested in the position. Consider working with a recruiter to fine tune the points you plan to make.
Promote Your Portfolio:
Boost an employer’s interest by including a portfolio of your work with your application. When selecting what to include, make sure your examples highlight your best efforts and fit nicely with the company and its areas of expertise.
Put Your Skills to the Test:
Stand out by asking if you can take a test or complete an assignment that will reflect the level of work you’re capable of. If you’re working with an employment expert, they may administer a standard test that you can use to show employers your strengths. Regardless of how you feel you did, ask the employer for feedback to demonstrate that you’re interested in growth and strive to be the best.
Wow Them with a Website:
Plant a flag in cyberspace with a website showcasing your work. This can serve as your electronic portfolio and offer more personal information such as details about your background and goals. Include a link to your site on your resume and all correspondence.
Show Your Interest:
No matter what you do to impress an employer and set yourself apart, it’s important to be clear about how much you want the job. When faced with two candidates of equal talent, an employer will often go with the candidate who demonstrated the greatest desire for the position.
Looking for smart ways to increase your visibility with prospective employers? Start by talking with Hiregy today.